Monday, June 12, 2006

Tim Keller - Lord of the Wine

Thanks to my friend, Stew, I found a bunch of free Keller sermons. I haven't actually listened to many on his sermons, but of those I have listened to, his "Lord of the Wine" is one of the best.

This exposition of Jesus' first miracle at Cana demonstrates biblical theology in preaching at its finest. Without overwhelming his audience with numerous textual connections, Keller makes a compelling case for why Jesus' first miracle was so insignificant (water-to-wine, as opposed to resurrection-from-the-dead) and yet stirred Jesus, and should stir us, so powerfully.


At 9:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been listening to Keller lately too. I would love to hear more of your thoughts on sermons you listen too. One of the free ones from Monergism that I thought was particularly powerful was 'Inside Out'. He's got that style of preaching that makes me wonder for the first few minutes whether or not he's doing a bible study or something. Then it just get's brilliant!

At 10:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason, buy the series on grace. I've listened to some of them three times. I'd like to hear some other recommendations before I buy another set of Keller's sermons.

At 9:34 PM , Blogger Jonathan Dodson said...

I hear the Luke series is quite good and have listened to several of them. It is more or less a biographical study of Jesus from the gospel of Luke.


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